Tampa is enriched with a variety of job opportunities for USF students and alumni. Being surrounded my nightlight and restaurants, USF is a prime area to obtain a career in hospitality or management. Raymond James, home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, offers internships and employment from finance to marketing. It is often convenient to work at the mall, the airport, or USF. USF is in the center of Tampa Bay. As a result, Down Town Tampa, full of law firms, home of the county court house and larger corporations, is only minutes away. If law isn’t for you, try Ybor where the Hispanic culture is mixed with small business owners and nightlife roars. If ecofriendly and designers catch your eye, South Tampa is right around the corner to offer you sales position in boutiques, or associates for accounting firms. Local News Supporters such as FOX News, BrightHouse and Clear Channel are all employment supporters to USF students and graduates.
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