You may be noticing that prices of everything seem to be going up right now, from groceries to gas and all everyday use items. As a college student in Tampa, you may be working with a very tight budget and trying to save money where you can, and this brings us to ideas on how to lower the cost at your University of South Florida apartment.
If you are not a fan of the unknown and the fluctuating electric bill causes you unneeded stress every month, you may want to look into a USF apartment where electricity is included. To start your search, go to, click on Internet, Cable & Utilities, and select which items you would like included, such as Electric or search by all-inclusive USF apartments, which may include utilities and furniture in one monthly payment.
Another item you may consider while searching for an apartment in Tampa while trying to save on the electric bill is the size of an apartment. The smaller the apartment, the less space to keep cool. Maybe look to downsize or try a 1-bedroom apartment to start.
Search for apartments in the Tampa Bay area by their green efforts such as low energy lighting used or under appliances select energy star appliances.
Ceiling fans are a must in Florida. They keep the air circulating, making the room feel cooler and offering substantial energy savings. To find a Tampa apartment with ceiling fans, look under features and amenities listed under apartment features in the search option and select ceiling fan in the bedroom and ceiling fan in the living room.
If your USF apartment includes a washer and dryer, plan to lessen the loads, maybe only do laundry once or twice a week. Use cold water instead of warm water for the wash. Do a full load when possible, lower heat settings on the dryer, and always clean the lint filter. Maybe hang some items to air dry instead of utilizing the dryer. If permitted, hang clothes on your patio, and if not, the bathroom may work.
Spend more time outdoors. Maybe this includes your apartment pool or visiting one of the popular beaches in the area. Try to grill more. Grilling uses less energy, and it is not in your apartment. Search under features & amenities in community features for community BBQ Grill or Outdoor Kitchen.
Now here are things to try in any Tampa apartment.
Whether you are a USF student or a working professional living in affordable housing in Tampa, turn up the thermostat a few degrees while you are out of your apartment. You will be surprised how many hours you are gone, and your air conditioning may be working overtime while you are away. Setting your thermostat to 78 degrees is a good idea, and many turn the thermostat back down upon arrival or at night while sleeping.
Use blinds or curtains during the day to block the sun.
Turn your lights off when you leave a room or when not in use.
Tampa gets warm during the summer months, and keeping cool can be a challenge. Creative ways to stay cool from this list or even as simple as drinking more water or finding a favorite spot such as Chill Bar Craft Ice Cream Creations for a cool treat will keep the pressure off your air conditioner. We hope these ideas help you save on your electric bill at your apartment near the University of South Florida.
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